


principle of accountability and responsibility, territorial community, control and supervision, local self-government bodies, decentralization of power, civil society, rule of law and legality, democracy, management


The article is devoted to the problems of implementing democratic control as a tool for ensuring accountability and responsibility of local self-government bodies. The article reveals the content of such control, highlights the legislation that defines it and analyzes such legislation, examines the types of control over the activities of local self-government bodies. Attention is drawn to the fact that accountability and responsibility of local selfgovernment bodies to the community, real and effective control over their activities are a guarantee of a high level of public trust in local government and its institutions. The article substantiates that the implementation of the principles of accountability and responsibility of local self-government occurs precisely through the implementation of state and public control. Therefore, control is an important communication tool between local authorities and community residents and a means of successful functioning of local self-government bodies in fulfilling social tasks and obligations. Attention is drawn to the fact that it is precisely through control that the local government understands public needs and problems, which are reported to it by residents of the territorial community through control measures. The article concludes that control over the activities of local self-government bodies is a means of implementing the principles of accountability and responsibility of local authorities, a form of implementation by residents of a territorial community of monitoring and checking the fulfillment by local authorities of their social obligations and functions, enshrined in legislative acts, programs of the state, regional and local development. The article formulates the tasks of control, which are compliance with the regime of legality and increasing the efficiency of the functioning of local self-government bodies; increasing the level of accountability of local authorities to residents of the territorial community; elimination of violations of legislation, rights and interests of the population of the territorial community; improving interaction and relationships between local authorities and the population; improving quality and making informed management decisions. It is pointed out the need to adopt a special legislative act, which should regulate the issue of democratic control in Ukraine.


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