disciplinary offense, police activity, human rights, professional ethics, psychologyAbstract
Certain issues related to the protection of human rights in police activities are discussed in the article. In particular, the author emphasizes the need for clear regulation of police actions at the level of instructions, taking into account the psychological component. It is proposed to consider the feasibility of applying a gradation of disciplinary offenses and measures of disciplinary influence for their commission. The necessity of using clearer terminology that corresponds to the real internal psychological attitude of the police officer towards the powers of ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual is declared. The purpose of the article is to characterize certain problems in the field of police activities related to the protection of human rights and freedoms, which require the consideration of the psychological component at the regulatory level, and to provide proposals for improving the legal regulation of these issues. It is grounded that the effectiveness of police work is closely related to their understanding of the scope of their powers, awareness of the limits beyond which responsibility arises, confidence in the protection of their safety, rights, honor, and dignity by the entire system of the state apparatus, provided that they properly perform their professional functions. The author provides the definition of the concept of educational influence on the police officer, as well as specific proposals for changes to the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine “On the National Police” and “On the Disciplinary Statute of the National Police of Ukraine”. It is believed that the most important task for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police is to strive for the development and creation of such necessary instruction base for the police officer at the regulatory level, which will allow them to clearly understand the legitimacy or illegitimacy of their actions, taking into account the psychological component.
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