


right to work, population employment, digitalization, digital technologies, information space, cyber protection in the field of labor


The problems of digitalization of labor relations are considered. It is noted that digital technologies change the position of a person in the social structure and in the living space. In modern times, digitalization is one of the most important driving forces for the transformation of both the economy and society as a whole. Changes caused by new technical opportunities also affect the behavior of economic entities. As for subjects of labor law, digitalization is manifested in models of administrative and organizational activity and the introduction of new forms of digital interaction. Such interaction includes changes in working time models, organization of human resources management, as well as the development of the employee’s workplace. The current combination of traditional and flexible work models is expected to be more actively developed in the digital context in the future towards greater adaptability to labor market transformations. It has been studied that digitalization helps to differentiate relations by distributing consumption and production. Mechanization and automation freed people from hard work, digital technologies automate routine operations and require new regulatory approaches. The digital infrastructure allows solving the problems of increasing the efficiency of the organization of labor activities due to the transparency of remuneration, the correspondence of abilities and interests to the performed functions, control and assessment of quality from the point of view of the consumer on the basis of a proactive information and digital space for the purpose of effective use of labor. Digitization is related to the labor market in the context of digital processes regarding the acceleration of work and mobility of flexible forms of work and can be characterized by such dimensions as working hours, forms of work, labor management, work space, etc. At the same time, digital technologies pose new challenges, as the position of man next to the machine changes, the role of man in the creative transformation of the labor market and new forms of relationships between people in production. The guaranteed satisfaction of basic human needs leads to new forms of interest and involvement in work, which raises questions about the value-content principles of the process of digitalization of work.


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