prosecutor, etgiss of the prosecutor’s activity, personnel quality, attitude to the profession, personnel reserve, public service, professional activityAbstract
The article analyzes the ethics of the prosecutor’s activity through the prism of his compliance with moral standards. It is noted that professional culture is an integrative concept that reflects the level of skill achieved in work; means a creative and creative attitude to work, the ability to make decisions and evaluate them simultaneously from two positions – specifically technological and sociocultural; is formed on the basis of a constructive combination of professional and social competence. A component of professional culture is professional ethical culture, which reflects the moral component of the system of professional values and personal qualities of a professional. A condition for the successful implementation of professional and ethical culture is mastery of the technology of ethics of professional behavior and communication. The rules of prosecutorial ethics should be considered as norms of professional ethics, as one of the branches of ethical science, the science of morality. It was emphasized that the prosecutor must constantly take care of his competence, professional honor and dignity. To contribute to increasing the authority of the prosecutor’s office and strengthening citizens’ trust in it with their integrity, principledness, competence, impartiality and conscientious performance of official duties. In the case of dissemination of false information that degrades his honor, dignity and business reputation, if necessary, takes measures to disseminate such information, in particular, in court. Assist him in his disposal of the heads of the relevant prosecutor’s offices. The Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct of Prosecutors defines the basic principles, moral standards and rules of prosecutorial ethics that prosecutors should be guided by in the performance of their official duties and outside of service. The tasks of the Code are primarily to ensure competent and effective performance of professional duties by prosecutors based on compliance with the principles of the rule of law, legality, justice, impartiality, as well as defining moral and ethical standards for internal and external communication. It was concluded that the formation of professional and moral qualities of a prosecutor’s office worker begins from the moment of choosing a profession. The professional selection of candidates for training at prosecutor’s office institutes allows for a comprehensive assessment of their personal qualities. This stage is important, because it is yesterday’s entrants who, after graduating from a higher education institution, come to work at the prosecutor’s office as young professionals.
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