state, state pragmatism, prosecutor, social value, social expediencyAbstract
The article analyzes the professional activity of the prosecutor in the context of its usefulness (necessity) for the state. In view of this, pragmatism, in particular its adapted versions such as legal pragmatism and state pragmatism, was chosen as the main research method. Based on the investigations of pragmatists in the state-legal sphere, the conclusions were made that the professional activity of the prosecutor is one of the spheres of ‘localization of experience’ of establishing justice in the process of judicial practice; his knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, intellectual and analytical efforts used to obtain a certain expected result – exposure and punishment of the guilty – become tools that demonstrate the need for this specialist for society; and the prosecutor himself is one of the elements of the social system, which is functionally called to solve socially significant problems. The position is argued that the prosecutor should be interested in professional growth and realization of his career ambitions; how the state should also be interested in this, because the quality of the administration of justice depends on the professionalism of the prosecutor. Here, the personal benefit (personal development) of the prosecutor coincides with the interests of the state, and state pragmatism acquires personal properties. Healthy statesmanship pragmatism is designed to form appropriate values in civil servants, oriented to the protection, defense and preservation of the interests of the state, as well as based on national patriotism, professional devotion and maximum independence. In general, the philosophy of state pragmatism of the prosecutor's professional activity reflects considerations about the social conditioning of the prosecutor's office itself (the emergence of this structure due to the need for legal reality), as well as about the cognitive function (which reflects the level of legal relations and the quality of their regulation), social value (functional purpose) and social expediency (usefulness, necessity for the state and citizens) of the prosecutor’s office.
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