justice, digital technologies, E-Court, informatization, court, reforms, law, judicial system; electronic justice, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The article analyzes normative legal acts regulating the digitalization of the judicial system. The main elements of digital justice used in modern Ukraine are considered. Approaches to the possibility of using artificial intelligence in the domestic judicial system are revealed. Emphasis is placed on the term "digitalization of justice", in particular in the context of the transfer of most communications to the digital environment, as well as based on an overview of the systems that provide the judicial process today. In addition, the article raises the issue of the importance and necessity of implementing digital technologies in the administration of justice and what problems must be overcome during the digitalization and informatization of justice. The advantages and disadvantages of electronic technologies are considered, as well as what barriers judges may face during the digitalization of the court, what measures will have to be taken to implement modern technologies during the digitalization of justice. The problems without the solution of which electronic justice will not be able to develop are singled out, namely: the lagging of the software component from modern standards; insufficient technical support, especially in remote regions; lack of a common interface and data exchange standards; rejection of the documentary form of information submission as the main for legally significant information; ignoring the features of the digital environment. Therefore, options for solving these problems are proposed. It was emphasized that digitalization is aimed at creating a communication system between participants in the judicial process. The idea of electronic justice became possible thanks to the use of IT technologies in justice. It was concluded that e-justice, as a positive perspective, is currently able to create an effective way of communication, namely the transmission of information via the Internet: filing lawsuits, motions, complaints, holding hearings, which is certainly positive for the realization of the main goals of justice, capable of significantly simplifying, speeding up and minimizing the costs of the participants in the court process for visiting court institutions. Such a system significantly simplifies and speeds up their activities, making the work of the court more productive.
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