organized crime, criminal groups, survey results, SOCTA, corruptionAbstract
The article examines the characteristic features of modern organized crime based on the results of the SOCTA survey. Dialectical, comparative-legal, statistical, systemic-structural, and formal-logical methods were used to achieve this goal. It is emphasized that the results of the SOCTA-2021 survey conducted by Europol indicate that illegal profits obtained by organized crime in the European Union were subsequently invested in the legal economy, which distorts competition and hinders the economic development of EU member states. It is argued that corruption is a characteristic feature of most criminal groups, which erodes the rule of law, weakens state institutions, and slows down the economic development of countries. The National Police of Ukraine is also working on the implementation of the SOCTA Ukraine methodology for determining priorities in the fight against organized crime. Instead, the results of the SOCTA survey suggest that modern organized crime encompasses criminal manifestations such as drug trafficking, organized property crime, various types of fraud and crimes related to the exploitation of people as commodities. It is noted that money laundering is an important component of the vast majority of organized gangs' criminal operations. It was emphasized that the special services of certain foreign states, in particular the aggressor countries, continue intelligence and subversive activities against Ukraine, try to fuel separatist sentiments, use organized criminal groups and corrupt officials to strengthen the infrastructure of influence.
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