Criminal Code, Criminal Enforcement Code, criminal punishment, penal institution, juvenile, convicted, educational influenceAbstract
The article analyzes the criminal and criminal enforcement legislation, the practice of its application, in particular, the legislation that regulates the procedure for the execution of punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty by minors, the peculiarities of the detention of both male and female minors in penal institutions, the specifics of the conditions and procedure are determined the appointment and serving of a sentence of deprivation of liberty for minors, proposals were formulated for the improvement of legislative regulation and law enforcement in the field of execution and serving of a sentence of deprivation of liberty for convicted minors. When carrying out the criminal-executive characterization of juveniles sentenced to deprivation of liberty, attention should be paid to those features that directly form their personality. Such signs, in particular, include socio-demographic, criminal-legal, moral-psychological ones. Improving the procedure for the execution and serving of criminal sentences for convicted minors is a necessary component for the development of Ukraine as a democratic, legal state. The current criminal and criminal enforcement legislation of Ukraine is based on the principle that a convicted person is not an object of educational influence, but is a subject of criminal enforcement relations, the protection of rights, legal interests and obligations of which must be guaranteed by the criminal and criminal enforcement legislation. The object of our research is the social relations that arise in the process of execution and serving of a sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty by convicted minors. When conducting this research, we set ourselves the goal of studying and analyzing criminal and criminal enforcement legislation, the practice of its application, familiarized ourselves with a number of scientific works to determine the specifics of the conditions and procedure for the appointment and serving of a sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty for convicted minors.
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