public service, personnel policy, personnel support, record of service, personnel reserve, policeAbstract
The article, from the standpoint of a complex system approach to the methodology of researching legal phenomena, deals with the theoretical foundations of personnel work of the National Police bodies. The research is based on the study of current normative and legal acts, and acts that have lost their validity, and the practice of their implementation. Personnel work as a phenomenon of objective reality is changing, forming objective and interconnected regularities subject to evolutionary change. The state personnel policy is a component of the state policy, and the personnel policy of the National Police is a component of the state personnel policy. A comparison of the personnel policy of the public service and the personnel policy of the National Police is made. It is established that the personnel policy of law enforcement agencies, in particular the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, depends on the political course of the state, which further shapes the personnel policy of structural units. It is noted that personnel policy in the system of the National Police is not legally and normatively formalized. The relationship between personnel policy and personnel work is considered. The purpose of personnel work of the National Police bodies is determined. It consists in the practical implementation of the personnel policy, which requires a comprehensive solution of managerial, social, moral, legal, and psychological tasks. One of the main indicators of the effective organization of personnel work is systematicity, which is based on taking into account the balance of interests of police officers and the National Police in the context of ensuring the tasks defined by the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police”. It is proved that the organization of personnel work of the National Police is carried out by the Department of Personnel Support. The principles of the formation of the personnel reserve as a mechanism for staffing the management staff of territorial bodies and the National Police units are considered. It is noted that the lack of normative regulation of work within the personnel reserve hurts the support of management personnel of the bodies and divisions of the National Police. The concept of “personnel work of police bodies” is defined, which includes, in addition to organizational issues, forms, methods, and technologies of work with personnel.
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