subjects of economic activity, measures of state supervision (control), controlled persons, implementation, systemAbstract
The article, based on a complex systematic approach to the study of legal phenomena, deals with an analysis of current and obsolete normative and legal acts, which reveal the principles of guaranteeing the rights of individuals and legal entities during state supervision (control) in Ukraine. Principles-guarantees are the proper conditions laid down by law for ensuring the rights and freedoms, and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities during state supervision and control. The relevance of the research topic is provided by the influence of supervisory and control measures on the socio-economic state of the country and the competitive ability of the economy. The principles of state supervision (control) are the priority of safety in matters of human life and health, the functioning and development of society, the living environment and life activities over other interests and goals in the field of economic activity; controllability and accountability of state supervision body to the relevant state authorities; equality of rights and legitimate interests; guaranteeing the rights and legal interests of the business entity; objectivity and impartiality of state supervision (control); openness, transparency, planning and systematic way of state supervision; inadmissibility of duplication of powers of state supervision bodies; non-interference of the state supervisory body in the activities of the economic entity, if it is carried out within the law; liability of the state supervisory body and its officials for damage caused to the business entity; presumptions of legality of the business entity’s activity; orientation of state supervision on the prevention of offenses in the sphere of economic activity; allowing the establishment of planned indicators or any other planning for holding business entities accountable and applying sanctions to them. It is determined that the formation of principles-guarantees of state supervision (control) depends on the laws of economic development; their content is a reflection of the socio-economic situation in the country. It is noted that it is advisable to search for new effective principles-guarantees.
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