Title: Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics

Date of foundation: 2005

Founder of the journal: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs

ISSN (Print): 2311-844X

Periodicity: 2 times a year.

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Information on state registration: included in the State Register of Media Entities (Decision No. 1191 of Minutes No. 13 of the Meeting of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting of April 11, 2024)

Media ID: R30-04393

Professional registration (category "B"): Decree of MES No. 1309 (Annex 4) dated October 25, 2023

Field of science: Economics

Majors: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and Taxation; 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market; 073 Management

Scientometric databases: Vernadsky National Library, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Crossref, Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI).

The purpose of the collection is to highlight the results of scientific research in various fields of economic sciences; interdisciplinary exchange of results of theoretical and applied research of scientists in economics, management, accounting and taxation, finance, banking, insurance and the stock market. The achievement of this goal involves enabling the scientific community and practitioners to publish the results of their research, draw attention to promising and relevant areas of economic science, and strengthen cooperation between the scientific community of Ukraine and foreign countries.

The goal defines the main tasks:
- publication of theoretical and scientific articles covering current trends and conceptual directions of development of modern economic science;
- promotion of an open information environment that ensures interaction between leading experts and young scientists in the field of economic sciences;
- strengthen the development of the international community of experts in the field of theory and practice of economic science research;
- support the expansion of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs' ties with scientific and educational communities.