information security, IT companies, threats, information technologies, digitalization, information environmentAbstract
The current conditions of the functioning of Ukraine as an independent European state in a state of war are characterized by a significant level of instability and uncertainty, as a result of which the problems of the security of the information space are becoming more acute both at the level of the state and at the level of enterprises. The article provides a theoretical substantiation of the problematic aspects of ensuring IT companies' information security and their formation of basic measures to prevent and counter actual and potential threats. The essence of information security of IT companies is determined, under which it is proposed to understand the state of protection of the interests of IT companies from the negative impact on information resources of destabilizing factors of the external and internal environment. The main problems of ensuring information security of IT companies were identified, in particular: strengthening of the informational influence of the Russian Federation; an increase in the number and systematicity of hacker attacks by the aggressor country; failure of business entities to fully implement digitization processes; problems of supplying modern technologies necessary for conducting business. The strategic priorities of forming a system of measures to prevent and counter threats to information security of IT companies are outlined, which involve the development of a model for preventing and countering threats to information security of IT companies, the main elements of which are the goal, target audience, resource provision and software. It has been proven that the provision of information security of IT companies is carried out within the framework of the implementation of the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine. In order to prevent the negative impact of threats from the external and internal environment on the level of information security of IT companies, the proposal to form an effective system for managing information resources and ensuring reliable protection of information transmission channels is substantiated.
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