


risks, threats, indicators, monetary and credit sphere, financial security of the state


The article researches the theoretical foundations and identifies the role of risks in the monetary sphere in the system of strengthening the financial security of Ukraine. It has been established that the risks, threats and dangers arising in the monetary and credit sphere significantly affect the processes and phenomena occurring in the financial system and cause significant destructive changes and disproportions in development. The main scientific approaches to determining the essence of the state's financial security have been analyzed and it has been clarified that the state's financial security means such a state of the country's financial system, which ensures the proper conditions for preserving the integrity of the financial system, the efficiency of its functioning, resistance to external and internal imbalances and shocks, as well as favorable conditions for stable socio-economic development of the country. It was revealed that financial security is the most important component of the economic security of the state, and its main structural components are monetary, banking, budgetary, debt, currency security and security of the non-banking financial sector. The existing problems in the development of the country's monetary sphere and their addition to unprecedented challenges and dangers of a military nature indicate that the domestic monetary system is unable to ensure sustainable economic growth, since significant destructive changes are extremely tangible and have a negative impact on the monetary system and credit relations, causing an increase in the cost of loans and devaluation of the currency. A significant negative impact on the level of financial security of the state of risks in the monetary and credit sphere, which have become particularly acute under the influence of factors of a military nature in today's conditions, has been proven, as a result of which the country is witnessing the destabilization of the monetary market, the rapid growth of the exchange rate and inflation, the reduction of the NBU's gold and currency reserves and the purchasing power of the population decreases. The mechanism for formulating and implementing monetary policy remains to be improved, with the main focus on strengthening Ukraine's financial security, especially in terms of identifying and preventing destabilizing factors whose negative effects lead to increased risks and threats to the security of the financial sector. The need for the formation of an effective mechanism for the implementation of monetary policy in the context of countering risks and threats and ensuring the financial security of the state, taking into account the challenges and dangers of our time, in particular, the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, was established.


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How to Cite

Nakonechna, N., & Patsula, O. (2024). MONETARY CREDIT RISKS IN THE SYSTEM FOR STRENGTHENING FINANCIAL SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 62–66.