structure of the economy, structural change, growth patterns, indicators of economic growth, structural change indicatorsAbstract
The basic provisions of the article are: economic structure defined set of industries that its shape and proportions between the elements of national wealth. If the elements of national wealth is defined natural capital, physical capital and human capital, the benchmark should be the optimal ratio between them. The article is to analyze the trends structural changes in the economy of Ukraine. Logic of this article involves the following basic steps: assessment of the current structure of the Ukrainian economy, synthesis and analysis of structural changes in the years 2001–2015, identifying the main trends of structural change and on the basis of formation of the basic problems of modernization of Ukraine’s economy. The sustainable development of the national economy has its foundation of proportions between the elements of its structure. These proportions are influenced by the level of development of productive forces and production relations. The economy, which develops, stability is relative proportions. Literary sources indicate the presence of different approaches to its treatment. The paper structure of the economy is defined as a set of inter-sectoral and intra-proportions, as well as reproductive, social and territorial proportions. The main causes are structural changes in the economy, scientific-technical and social progress; changes in foreign economic conditions; socio-political situation in the country; demographic and environmental factors. The effectiveness of structural changes in the economy is largely determined by: the right choice of priorities, the impact on their country. Economic dynamics characterized by productivity, capital endowment, kapitaloviddachi, profit margins, the fate of the elements in the structure of capital and others. To plan the dynamics of particular importance is to determine the sources of economic growth. In fact, all theories of economic growth is to identify the key factors that determine the growth rate of the economy. Analysis of major trends of structural changes in the economy Ukraine will perform in the following order: analysis of existing methods of planning and managing structural changes in the economy; study of structural and macroeconomic parameters of Ukraine’s economy, the main change trend analysis of basic macroeconomic indicators, indicators of development sectors, social indicators, parameters that characterize the export-import operations and development of science; evaluation of structural changes in the economy of Ukraine. This article presents the results of the first and second stages of the study. Formed by summarizing the results and suggestions will be used to determine the structural changes in the economy and to calculate them. The paper presents the basic methods of analysis and forecasting of economic growth and structural changes. Of particular interest is the method for analyzing the intensity of structural changes caused by structural changes proposed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE). The article presents the trends of structural and macroeconomic parameters of Ukraine’s economy: GDP figures Ukraine’s budget and finance its deficit, economic indicators employed population, employment by sector, investment in the economy.
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Офіційна веб-сторінка Державного комітету статистики України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http//
Офіційна веб-сторінка Національного банку України [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http//www.