insurance company, economic security, control system, economic security management mechanismAbstract
Under the current conditions of uncertainty issues of developing a mechanism for managing economic security, the action of which is aimed at counteracting crisis phenomena, of providing financial stability, of effective functioning of the system of management of the economic safety in the insurance companies become pressing. The author suggests the process of managing the economic security of Ukraine undergo through a management mechanism being an integral part of the management system and consisting of methods, levers, functional units of providing (managerial, economic, organizational, informational). Achievement of such a situation in which favorable conditions for development, ensuring the integrity of processes and realization of corporate interests would be created is the purpose of creating an insurance management company's economic safety management system. Methods and levers that constitute a system of receptions and tools of direct and indirect action on objects of management or security are the important elements of the mechanism for managing economic security. The main methods include economic, administrative, organizational, marketing, socio-psychological ones. The subsystem of the tools for managing the economic security of the insurer includes such forms of influence on the process of the adoption and implementation of management decisions as management of insurance reserves, insurance tariffs, the structure of the insurance portfolio, the use of reinsurance, diversification of investment investments. The implementation of managerial, economic, organizational, informational functional blocks of the mechanism of management of the economic safety of an insurance company enables to develop a clearly regulated algorithm for ensuring its effective functioning in the management system. It is proved that the functional purpose of the mechanism of management of the economic safety of insurance companies is revealed through the implementation of specific measures of legal, informational and analytical, financial-economic and organizational and managerial character.
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