budget security, state budget, budget code, budget policy, institutional factors, economic securityAbstract
There has been studied in the article the concept of the institutes and institutional factors; there have been characterized institutional factors of social-economic development of the country; there has been stated that a budget is the most important tool for the state regulation of the economic processes, solution of social, political, industrial, and other problems, the formation of which is stipulated by the budgetary policy. There has been also characterized in the article the institutional instrument of the budgetary safety assurance, in particular, there has been paid special attention to the budgetary code, which according to its nature is a financial document that establishes the distribution of the national financial resources and may be considered as a law of a special legal nature; there has been characterized the principle of the budgetary policy construction (creation of favourable financial relationships for the priority oriented development of the production industries that provide the increase and rise in the standard of living of the population; unanimity of the legal framework, monetary system, budgetary relations regulatory rules, budget classification, budgets performance procedure and maintenance of account-ing records and reports; accounting equation; independence principle; cost-benefit principle; principle of budget funds use for a specified purpose, sustainability, substantiation, subsidiarity and reliability. There was offered to incorporate the obligation principle). There were singled out the problems of budget planning and stated that in Ukraine the introduction of the performance budgeting is at the stage of the establishment because of the absence of sufficient regulatory basis and budget strategy for the middle-term and long-term perspective. There has been mentioned in the paper that the efficient budget planning is the basis not only for the provision of the budgetary safety on the regional and national level but also a tool for the provision of regional and national interests’ realization, in particular, creation of the conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights and warranties for the society and community development.
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