management, digitalization, digital support, manager, personnel management, labor organization, enterpriseAbstract
The purpose of the article is to supplement the principles and management approach to designing a digital automated workplace of a manager from the point of view of the quality of working life of personnel, to develop recommendations for improvement. The term "project" has a number of definitions, each of which has the right to exist, depending on the purpose and specific tasks of its use. study of the globalization of management and digitalization of the manager's work in the workplace. In our opinion, the definition of management projects is as follows: projects are the prospect of changes in the inevitable direction to the state of objects or phenomena. And for the organization of work in management, projects are the course of designing modern management goals, solving problems, evaluating the consequences obtained, and implementing them for results in both the management and managed subsystems. The latter are based on the principles of Management Science and practice, an integrated approach. The basic principles of the approach to workplace design from the standpoint of the quality of working life formed the basis for the development of the ISO 9000 series guidelines on self-assessment by senior management of the effectiveness and efficiency of the enterprise's functioning. Today, when the quality of working life is becoming the most important social problem both in Ukraine and in the world, the method of Digital workplace design has begun to be considered in a broader context. The scientific novelty of the study consists in substantiating the main priority areas of the DWD 1) scientific organization and enrichment of Labor; 2) Quality Management System; 3) digital tools for organizing the manager's workplace; 4) characteristics of the workplace; 5) processing of social information. It is important to note that additional tools or software, such as accounting or inventory management software, may be required for specific business needs. It is best to consult with the IT department or supervisor to determine the specific needs and requirements for the job. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific research on this issue, as the equipment required may vary depending on the size, location, and field of activity. The user interface for implementing such features is carried out through a dialogue with the computer using the keyboard or voice messages. The possibilities of digitalization and automation of the manager's workplace described above help the manager to concentrate on key points, create his own vision of the situation, analyze various sections of management activities – finances, personnel, organizational structure, the state of production processes, etc. As the practical experience of the last five years shows, online jobs, appropriately designed, can have a positive impact on the employee's satisfaction with their work from home in the digital environment of the enterprise, on its quality.
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