anti-crisis management, competitiveness of enterprises, management of energy enterprises, crisis situations, economic security of enterprises, economy of knowledge, intellectualization of managementAbstract
The article examines the issue of anti-crisis management of energy enterprises based on the actualization of crisis situations in Ukraine. The war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine caused large-scale destruction of the energy infrastructure in general and power plants of various types, in particular, a large part of which are located and are located in the territories temporarily occupied by the aggressor country. The influence of destabilizing factors arising as a result of constant missile attacks on the objects of critical infrastructure of Ukraine and causing large-scale destruction, on the state and dynamics of changes in the volume of electricity production was analyzed, and their destructive nature was proved. An assessment of the consequences of crisis phenomena in the activities of energy sector organizations was carried out. In connection with the gradual restoration of destroyed energy enterprises and as a result of the deoccupation of Ukrainian territories, there is a need to implement a special type of anti-crisis management, which has never been used in domestic management practice, but has become extremely relevant in modern conditions of instability and uncertainty. Therefore, against the background of the need to restore the activities of enterprises in the energy industry, it is proposed to form an anti-crisis management team consisting of managers (including personnel training managers), lawyers, financiers, economic security specialists, information and communication specialists, psychologists, since the anti-crisis management system must be built in such a way that it allows not only to identify and take into account the impact of crisis situations, to apply measures to neutralize them, but also to implement measures to manage knowledge and intellectual potential, the information and communication system, corporate culture, compliance risks with in order to achieve the desired level of economic and physical security.
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