risk, threat, risk-oriented management, economic security, risk mapAbstract
The orientation of the research was the formation of a theoretical model and the development of applied principles to ensure risk-oriented management of the enterprise in modern conditions. The article regulates and offers methodological support for the process of forming a risk-oriented approach to enterprise management, which involves the implementation of several basic elements. The study proposed an approximate structure of risk-oriented management aimed at increasing the efficiency of the management system, which includes the following components: duties and obligations of top management; stages of the process of building a risk management model at the enterprise; stages of implementation of a risk-oriented approach; monitoring and analysis of the risk management model. The main advantages of a risk-oriented approach to enterprise management have been identified. The main elements of a risk-oriented approach to management in the system of economic security of an enterprise operating in modern conditions are proposed. An algorithm for the implementation of the risk management system was also developed to ensure the economic security of the enterprise. The main factors that should be taken into account in the process of risk assessment in modern conditions are defined. To model the system of risk-oriented management of the enterprise, it is proposed to use the method of building a risk map, which allows you to quickly and reliably identify and assess risks for making balanced management decisions and forming a safe vector of enterprise development in modern conditions. The advantages of using the risk map method are established and its main structural elements are defined. An indicative map-scheme of risks of the enterprise has been developed, which functions in modern conditions and provides for the presence of three zones: the field of acceptable risk; the moderate risk field; field of threatening risk level. The permanent and systematic use of a risk-oriented approach to enterprise management in modern conditions and at all stages of the product life cycle is proposed. A block diagram of risk management at the enterprise has been developed.
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