efficiency, crop production, sustainable development, agriculture, profitability of production, management decisionsAbstract
World practice has shown that at the end of 2021, global food security was on high alert for slow growth due to the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the worsening climate crisis, and ongoing local conflicts and upheavals around the world. The problem of crop production management has always been of great importance, especially in the postwar period, since crop production is a leading branch of agriculture and rising food prices raise a number of issues. Active military operations on the territory of our country have had the greatest impact on the global food and agricultural markets, as they involved the world's two largest agricultural producers: Russia and Ukraine. The aim of the article is to analyze the forecast production of crop production based on the expected crop areas and yields for 2023 calculated with due regard to the State Statistics Service estimates, and to propose strategic directions for developing a solution to improve the management of the crop production industry based on the forecast of production in the post-war period. Methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis and synthesis were used in the paper. The calculation of the forecast indicators of agricultural crop production in Ukraine was carried out according to three options: optimistic, medium and pessimistic, and a possible option (forecast) for 2023 was determined. The efficiency of enterprises depends on a large number of factors that can be divided into internal and external, and to ensure sustainable economic development, agriculture, as part of it, should be considered as an organic component of the entire macroeconomic system, and its resource potential as a share of the national potential. The expediency of making further managerial decisions on the production and competitiveness of crop production is substantiated. Strategic directions for developing solutions to improve the management of the crop production industry based on the forecast are proposed production in the postwar period. Increasing the level of profitability of agricultural producers is ensured by optimizing their production structure based on the results of economic and mathematical modeling. According to the results of optimization of the production structure, it is expected to increase the volume of crop production and increase the revenue from the sale of products.
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