


transnationalization, transnational corporation, international economy, investment, expansion


China is a country with great geopolitical ambitions, which occupies an important place in transnationalization processes, because it is both a large recipient and investor in the world market. The article examines the international aspects of China's current economic development programs and their impact on its participation in transnationalization processes in Europe. The plan "Made in China 2025" was considered, which influenced the formation of a new policy for the development of China's economy, which is focused on import substitution, achieving technological independence and transforming it into the largest industrial state in the world. The Chinese program "One Belt, One Road" is considered, which involves the investment by China of billions of dollars in infrastructure (roads, railways and other infrastructure) in the countries of Eurasia and Africa, and in the development of trade and financial ties with them. The place of Chinese TNCs in international rankings and priority areas of their investment are considered, which are: automotive, energy, telecommunications, information technologies, infrastructure, tourism and real estate. The aggregate amount of direct foreign investment from China to the EU and Great Britain from 2000-2022 was studied. The specifics of transnationalization processes with the participation of Chinese TNCs in Germany, Great Britain and France, which are the main centers of their economic interest, and which in the period from 2012- 2020 accounted for 57 percent of the total volume of Chinese foreign direct investment in Europe. The main reasons for China's economic interest in investing in Europe are highlighted, namely: access to advanced technologies, the world's largest single market, large corporate networks spanning the globe, recognized brands, integrated regional and global value chains, and stable legal, regulatory and political environment. The specifics of investing in Eastern Europe, which accounts for the lowest accumulation of Chinese foreign direct investment in Europe, are studied. Positive and negative aspects of Chinese investment in European business are highlighted.


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How to Cite

Sai, L., Poritskyi, Y., & Ishchuk, A. (2023). ANALYSIS OF CHINA’S PARTICIPATION IN TRANSNATIONALIZATION PROCESSES IN EUROPE. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 79–87.