


stability of the banking system, financial stability indicators, financial stress index, stability standards


The article analyzes the stability of the banking system in the period of hostilities and its ability to withstand various internal and external threats. It was determined that the stability of the banking system means its ability to counteract internal and external threats, the ability to restore its condition in the short term and keep the level of risk within acceptable limits. The level of the main indicators of the financial stability of Ukraine according to the International Monetary Fund during the IV quarter of 2021 - the II quarter of 2023 was analyzed and it was found that the banking system of Ukraine stably withstood the crisis phenomena associated with military actions, moreover, starting from the third quarter of 2022 was able to improve a number of indicators of financial stability. At the same time, the share of non-performing loans, which tends to grow, remains a problem, and its reduction remains an important task of the National Bank. A comparative study of the level of the main indicators of financial stability of individual European countries according to the data of the International Monetary Fund for the II quarter of 2023 indicated that similar indicators of the domestic banking system in general managed to stay at a level not lower than the indicators of a number of European countries. The importance of the financial stress index for determining the scale of crisis phenomena in the financial system is outlined, and it is noted that even a full-scale invasion of Russia did not lead to the maximum value of this index. The effectiveness of the tools of the National Bank has been proven, which make it possible to expect further positive trends in reducing the impact of war risks on the financial system and the country's economy as a whole. It is noted that the work aimed at taking measures to reduce non-performing loans, in particular, through the mechanisms of timely and reliable assessment of credit risks and the readiness of banking institutions to quickly restructure problem loans, needs attention from the side of state regulators.


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How to Cite

Patsula, O., & Nakonechna, N. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE STABILITY OF THE BANKING SYSTEM OF UKRAINE DURING THE PERIOD OF MARITAL STATE. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 62–67.