information systems, inventory, agricultural enterprises, accounting, automation, internal controlAbstract
This article explores the importance and necessity of implementing information systems for inventory management in Ukrainian agriculture, particularly in the context of European integration and global market competition. It emphasizes the impact of such systems on the management and coordination of the production cycle, encompassing all stages from raw material procurement to the shipment of finished products. The article dedicates significant attention to how information systems assist in automating record-keeping and control in all areas of agricultural production, ensuring systematic data collection and storage in a unified system. This facilitates access to essential information for management and decision-making while reducing the risks of fraud and data distortion in financial reporting. Special emphasis is placed on effective contract and agreement management related to raw material procurement and product sales. Information systems enable enterprises to systematically create, store, and track all aspects of agreements, reducing the risks of conflicts and ensuring the precise execution of contract terms. The article also addresses the importance of efficient inventory management, including tracking raw material levels, material consumption, and the availability of finished products in warehouses. This helps avoid excessive inventory or shortages, ensuring an optimal level of inventory and preventing losses and damages. It is noted that information systems can be customized to meet the individual needs of each enterprise, including quality standards and other parameters. Additionally, the ability to integrate with other information and communication tools is considered valuable, facilitating fast information exchange and improving communication within the enterprise. In conclusion, the article highlights that the implementation of information systems for inventory management in agriculture contributes to enhanced control, production optimization, and record-keeping, ultimately leading to increased productivity and profitability of agricultural enterprises.
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