corruption, economic security, perception of corruption, legalization of the economy, national securityAbstract
The article is aimed at establishing the nature of public perception of corruption in Ukraine in historical retrospect and in modern conditions to determine its impact on the economy and national security in wartime conditions. The study analyzed the genesis and development of corruption in historical retrospect - from ancient times to the present. The nature of society's perception of corruption during the specified period is analyzed. The transformation of corrupt activity in the legal field has been established: from a legalized type of activity and an integral part of the feudal system of social relations and the tax system to an illegal type of activity and crime. An analysis of anti-corruption measures during the independence of Ukraine was carried out and their effectiveness was analyzed. The carried out analysis made it possible to establish the influence of corruption on the country's economy and to identify the influence's consequences. The presented results of the analysis made it possible to determine the list of corruption phenomena that have the greatest impact on the economy. It has been established that the dynamics of changes in corruption manifestations contribute to a decrease in the investment flow, which affects all spheres of social life and significantly affects the implementation of the state's integration aspirations. The main negative consequences of the influence of corruption on the socio-economic system of the state are also identified. A theoretical generalization was made regarding the fact that the integration processes generally contributed to the stabilization of financial and economic and improvement of social policy in the state, in particular in the field of anti-corruption, but its level remains high, which requires the intensification of anti-corruption measures for the implementation of integration processes. It was revealed that during the last century, the influence of corruption on public life gradually increased, and the reasons for such trends and the corruption of the highest-level officials were also determined. It was determined that anti-corruption measures are extremely important for national security, as they largely affect economic development and the well-being of the population. An assessment of the state and trends of the corruption perception index in Ukraine was carried out and the factors that have a significant influence on it were determined. Forecasting of the trends of the corruption perception index for the period 2023-2027 was carried out, which made it possible to form a strategic guideline for anti-corruption measures.
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