


auditing activities, financial monitoring, combating the legalization of criminally obtained income and terrorism financing, illegal income


The paper explores contemporary trends in the development of the financial monitoring system in the field of auditing. It is established that auditors, audit firms, individual entrepreneurs providing accounting services, as well as business entities offering tax consultation, form a circle of primary financial monitoring subjects and are obliged to conduct internal checks or independent audits. It is clarified that audit firms are required to identify financial transactions, analyze them, and determine suspicious activities. The study identifies the main financial operations subject to financial monitoring by audit firms, including transactions involving the buying and selling of real estate, corporate rights, client property management, and cash flows, as well as raising funds for the establishment of a legal entity, its support, and audit of its activities. Emphasis is placed on the importance of conducting financial monitoring of operations in the audit sphere, with due consideration to key criteria: the economic significance and purpose of the financial transaction; the type of assets or forms of payment used in the course of the financial transaction, including the amount involved; the alignment of the nature and content of the participants' activities with the transaction itself; the location, residence, or place of presence of individuals participating in the transaction or users, including the volumes and duration of their activities; the essence of the agreement between the parties, ultimate beneficiaries, and financial instruments used during the operation. It is recognized that the responsibility of auditors lies not only in detecting illicit income but also in ensuring confidentiality and adherence to professional ethics. The necessity of establishing control indicators in audit activities for financial monitoring is demonstrated. The conducted research has led to the conclusion that financial indicators related to the regulation of auditing activities in the fight against the legalization of unlawfully obtained income should adhere to principles of data consistency, sufficiency, reliability, simplicity, and clarity. Simultaneously, it is recognized that it is important to establish the extent of responsibility for deliberate errors in conducting financial monitoring in the audit sphere. A recommendation is made to align legislation in the audit field with anti-corruption laws. Additionally, drawing on the experience and knowledge of domestic and international auditors, methods for legitimizing illegal income should be developed, including the description of indicators and the methodology for their calculation in the field of auditing activities.


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How to Cite

Marushko, N. (2023). FINANCIAL MONITORING IN THE FIELD OF AUDITING: ANALYSIS OF PRACTICES AND ITS ROLE IN COMBATING MONEY LAUNDERING. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 30–38.