green logistics, resource efficiency, waste processing, ecological and economic efficiency, heat generationAbstract
The research was aimed at developing the theoretical and applied principles of implementing green logistics at a logging enterprise and substantiating its feasibility. The expediency of implementing green logistics at enterprises is justified, which will contribute to ensuring the ecological safety of forest ecosystems. It has been investigated that, in modern conditions, waste processing is a popular subtype of green logistics, which is a key element in ensuring the environmental safety of a forestry enterprise and improving the environmental situation in the region. It has been established that the key task of modern scientific intelligence is the study of problems related to the implementation of green logistics at enterprises and the stimulation of a wide range of entrepreneurs to implement green logistics. It is emphasized that the logistics processes at the logging enterprise involve the generation of a significant amount of waste that is not disposed of. Instead, they are placed on vacant lots or given to local entrepreneurs without payment, since in this form they have no industrial value because they are not used in the production of products. Moreover, it is determined that the total amount of such waste is about 30% of forest products. Given that these wastes represent a certain production and industrial value, it is proposed to use them within the scope of waste processing operations. A design scheme of the logistics process of a forestry enterprise with the use of green logistics operations was proposed, which made it possible to single out those types of waste that can become the object of processing to obtain products that will ensure the generation of heat energy. In addition, a list of additional products that can be obtained as a result of waste processing of a logging enterprise is defined. The technological process of processing crowns, stumps and tops of trees in the process of logging was analyzed and it was proposed to use the generated waste for the production of technological chips and wood pellets. As a result of the calculations, the ecological and economic efficiency of the implementation of green logistics and the processing of logging waste, in particular, was determined.
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