


government debt, debt security, debt load, Integral Debt Security Index, limit values, external debt


The article summarizes the main theoretical approaches to defining the concept of debt security and its impact on economic development. The author presents his own interpretation of this category, defining debt security as an element of the economic security of the State, which determines the critically acceptable level of public debt, which allows maintaining the stability of the financial system, State sovereignty, and protecting national interests. It is noted that the calculation of debt security indicators and normalization was carried out on the basis of the Methodological Recommendations for Calculating the Level of Economic Security of Ukraine. To calculate the generalized indicator of debt security, 8 indicators are allocated: the ratio of public and publicly guaranteed debt to GDP; the ratio of gross external debt to GDP; weighted average yield of domestic government bonds in the primary market; EMBI index; the ratio of official international reserves to gross external debt; the ratio of external debt to exports of goods and services; the level of external debt per capita; the ratio of external debt service payments. The changes in the values of debt sustainability indicators and the main trends in the dynamics are analyzed. The generalized indicator of debt security is calculated using the program "STATISTICA.7" and the Excel environment. At the same time, a component analysis was carried out on the basis of these 8 indicators, the weighting coefficients were calculated using the principal component's method, and the integrated debt security indicator was calculated. The area of critical values of the integral index is divided into five intervals: optimal, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, dangerous and critical. It is indicated that for a long period of time the value of the index was at a dangerous level, and in 2021 - at an unsatisfactory level. A list of priority steps to be taken to improve the situation in Ukraine is proposed. Further prospects for scientific research on this issue are outlined.


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How to Cite

Halaiko, N. (2023). THE CALCULATION OF THE TOTAL INDICATOR OF DEBT SECURITY IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 3–10.