higher education institution, threats, factors, interests, educational services, economic securityAbstract
In the article, higher educational establishments are considered as economic entities, the main purpose of which is to provide high-quality conditions for higher education, training, providing all types of educational services, ensuring the continuity of education. Recognition of an institution of higher education by an economic agent gives the right to apply the concept of «economic security» in relation to its activities. The economic security of a higher education institution is not just about it, it is a socially important characteristic, considering the goals of its functioning. Actualization of the issue of economic security in relation to the institution of higher education is a consequence of the commercialization of their activities.The article systematically analyzes approaches to the understanding of the economic security concept of the higher education institution. Research peculiarities of the safety of educational institutions as economic and social agents are formulated. It is established that among the available approaches for the description and targeted improvement of the economic safety of the institution of higher education the most relevant are resource-functional and narrow-functional approaches The definition of economic security of the higher education institution is offered as a characteristic, which ensures the stability of the goals realization taking into account interests and factors of functioning.As an element of a unified higher education system, a higher education institution is in constant interaction with the external socio-economic environment. Therefore, when its functioning takes into account the factors of the internal and external environment of functioning, the relevant factors of micro and macro level. The typologies of interests, factors and threats of functioning of modern educational institutions are analyzed and formulated.Ensuring the fulfillment of the interests of the functioning of modern educational institutions prompts promptly to change the learning process, the methods of their presentation and to provide for changes in the requests of the users of educational services themselves, to establish structural relations with educational institutions of the European Union and the world.
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