state funding, social sphere, decentralization reforms, social standards provisionAbstract
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the sources of funding for ensuring social standards. Due to the global changes that are observed in the world economy, European integration, activation of public assistance institutes activity in the field of rendering social services to the population in an economic sector of foreign countries, a necessity for the review of the current system of social standards in order to adapt it to the new conditions of existence for our state arises. Having analyzed social sector funding over 2014–2017, it is worth noting that expenditures on social protection of population, education, healthcare and spiritual and physical development have a positive tendency. Their share in the structure of all expenditures of the consolidated budget of Ukraine increased from 37,9% to 63,7%. However, the issue of social security funding insufficiency remains open. In connection herewith, financial trends ensuring social protection modernization in Ukraine are discovered. Implementation of the suggested measures will make it possible to lay the foundation for the formation of a new system of social standards and social guarantees that will comply with European and international requirements and ensure a decent standard of living for the population. It is worth noting that achieving the relevant level of the suggested standards is possible only when each separate level of the only social security strategy for each category of population is implemented. A number of such measures will make it possible to promptly achieve the main trends of its development in the context of social security of living for the population. The issue of formation of the only model of social policy becomes specifically significant under the conditions of financial decentralization and powers conferred on local self-government bodies in the part of peopleʼs living improvement, further development of social protection and social standards at the state level.
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