strategic development, strategic management, corporation potential, corporate management, corporationAbstract
Insufficient degree of national economy stability and its inclination to unbalance state is caused by internal problems and external global influence. The theoretical questions of development of directions of increase of strategic development and competitive potential of corporations are substantiated. The object of the research is the management processes of forming the potential of the corporation. The article researches the classical concepts of «strategy», the formation of «strategic development» and «corporation potential». The directions of corporation development are following: necessity of feasibility study; resource management efficiency; definition of criteria and parameters of economic security for the corporation. Stages and measures for preservation of strategic potential are determined; first of all, search for additional sources of resource support, gaining strong positions in the domestic and foreign markets. When solving complex tasks, corporations are looking for ways to solve problems in finding working capital, loans, and attracting investment. The alarming signals of liquidation of the corporation are identified in the absence of long-term development goals (Fig. 1). The characteristic of the target directions of resource provision of strategic development of corporations is developed (Fig. 2). The ways of directions are specified: increase of quality, reliability, durability in combination with restoration and competitiveness of sold products; increase of the share in the structure of technological processes of resource-saving technologies; reduction of various types of operational losses; lower cost standards due to ways to save material resources.
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