economic security, security science, risks, threats, optimal economic security management system, subjects and objects of economic security, security policy, goals, principles, levels of economic security system constructionAbstract
At this stage of development of the state, all business entities operate in conditions of political and economic instability and uncertainty. Effective management of economic activities requires the consideration of many environmental factors that are changing and unstable. A prerequisite for the effective functioning of the organization is an effective management system that should take into account all these factors and negative trends, in order to eliminate the negative effects, minimize the risks and prevent them from occurring in the future. Therefore, special attention is paid to the question of the formation of an optimal system for managing economic security of economic entities. Currently, most scholars in their studies mostly assess the negative effects on economic security or propose their approaches to predict changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. It is worth noting that there is no sound methodology for identifying specific factors for ensuring an adequate level of economic security of the organization and the principles of building an optimal management system for it. In considering the concept of the system of economic security, the concept of object and subjects of economic security is considered. To form an effective system for managing economic security of economic entities, defined the principles on which it should be based, the goals and objectives of the system are determined. As a result of the research, the process of constructing an optimal system of economic security is proposed to be divided into the following stages: a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the economic security management system of the enterprise for the preservation and development of positive characteristics in the system of management of the company’s economic safety; elimination of negative tendencies and their consequences in the system of management of economic safety of the enterprise; the introduction of new, progressive elements in the system of economic security management of the enterprise; reorganization of the system of management of economic security of the enterprise taking into account innovations; change control style.
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