
  • V.A. Panchenko irovohrad Cooperative Professional College of Economics and Law named after M.P. Saya


personnel security, insider, economic security, statistical analysis


The formation of a mechanism for countering insiders in the personnel security system for business entities and a list of recommendations (as one of the protection mechanisms, its application will greatly improve the quality of the memory of entered passwords, while not reducing its length.) to increase the stability of passwords and improve their memorization, combined with the author’s previously proposed approaches will provide the primary information necessary for the further construction of the work model insiders for business entities. Having the above conclusions and author’s recommendations, the set of possible mechanisms of activity of insiders on subjects of entrepreneurial activity is offered. It is determined that the problem of internal personnel security of business entities should take a worthy place in the development of world corporations and companies and receive all necessary resources (human, organizational, financial, etc.) for the implementation, implementation and observance of the requirements of personnel security of the subjects of management. This will offer a mathematical interpretation of the task of identifying insiders in the personnel security system of business entities, as well as analyze the economic effect of using the proposed model and the possible consequences of insider actions. A holistic understanding of the functioning of any subject of business activity is impossible without the official presentation of its economic model. As a suggested direction of further research, we can propose the development of a mathematical interpretation of the task of identifying insiders in the personnel security system for business entities, as well as conducting an analysis of the economic effect of using the proposed model and the possible consequences of the actions of insiders.


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How to Cite

Panchenko, V. (2023). THE MECHANISM OF INSIDER INCIDENT IN THE SYSTEM OF PERSONNEL SAFETY. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 219–227. Retrieved from

