
  • M.R. Veresklia Lviv State University of Internal Affairs


logistics, logistical concept, logistical chain, logistical subsystems, logistical goals, competitiveness, competitive advantage, system, management


In the recent years, the economy of Ukraine functions on the brick of default. Its «detachment» from the global economy increases every year. Permanent protracted crises, instability of the political and socio-economic situation, military actions in the country negatively affect the condition and development of enterprises of all sectors of economy. In order to retain and expand its market position, an enterprise should be mobile and adequately react to all changes in the external environment. Search and introduction of the advanced methods of management would ensure the stable development of enterprises and help to consolidate their positions in the market. The logistical concept of management is one of these methods. The present article analyzes and generalizes the concept, functional characteristics and objective of logistical management, and discusses the peculiar aspects of the logistical management. It also analyzes the main reasons that cause difficulties in implementation of the main standards of logistics at national enterprises. A special attention is devoted to subsystems of organization of logistical management at an enterprise. The paper examines functional areas of modern logistical management, focuses attention on the principal difference between the logistical and traditional approaches to management of material flows, defines the complex of principles of realization of logistical management. As practice shows, enterprises that use principles of logistical management ensure high competitiveness of their products and services through optimization of costs related to production and sale of goods, turnover acceleration and full satisfaction of customer needs in high-quality goods and services. Such effect is achieved by essential reduction of stocks and finished products in the spheres of production, supply and sale, reduction of the production cycle and order cycle, introduction of flexible automated and robot-aided productions that allow fast transfer to the production of new types of products, creation of distributive sales channels, etc.


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How to Cite

Veresklia, M. (2023). CONCEPT OF LOGISTICAL MANAGEMENT AS A TOOL OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 156–164. Retrieved from

