
  • O.A. Burbelo Rubezhan Institute of Chemical Technologies
  • S.O. Burbelo Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine


threats, risks, external environment, losses, management, results


The article analyzes many factors of threats and risks that accompany the activities of enterprises. It has been established that ensuring the economic security of business entities requires the adoption of effective decisions to identify, take into account and develop measures to prevent or reduce threats. The problems of identifying threats and risks in the activities of enterprises require further research. To improve the economic security of enterprises, it is necessary to continue improving the classification of risks and threats that occur in their activities. It is recommended to conduct a study of a complex of threats and risks based on a systematic approach. The concepts of threat, risk, their interdependence and classification have been clarified. It is proposed to assess risks as a consequence of changes in the external and internal environment of activities, in consumer requests and scientific and technological progress. The classification of risks is given depending on the expected results and economic content. It is recommended to consider risk management as a multi-stage and multidimensional process. It is noted that at each stage of management, it is necessary to take into account the patterns characteristic of it.


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How to Cite

Burbelo, O., & Burbelo, S. (2023). RISKS AND THREATS IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 150–156. Retrieved from http://journals.lvduvs.lviv.ua/index.php/economy/article/view/706

