
  • R.S. Soroka Lviv State University of Internal Affairs


budget decentralization, incomes, local budgets, state budget, personal income tax


One of the key areas for reforming the national economy is budget decentralization, which involves increasing local government budget revenues and increasing the efficiency of using limited budget resources to fulfill the functions and tasks of the state. In implementing practical steps towards fiscal decentralization by the government, within the fiscal-tax reform, certain local budgets are allocated additional revenues to ensure their financial autonomy. The results of the comparative analysis of the dynamics of revenues of local budgets, the consolidated budget and the volume of GDP give grounds for the conclusion that, in spite of the expansion of the list of local budget revenues, the imitation of budget decentralization in Ukraine actually took place. This fact is further confirmed by the dynamics of the criterial indicator of fiscal decentralization, which is an indicator of the share of local budget revenues in the consolidated budget revenues – the actual performance indicators of the budget system in 2015–2016, that is, after the implementation of the fiscal reform, have shown a significant reduction in the share of local budgets in consolidated budget revenues in 2015 at 3.69 pp to 18.48% and the growth of their share in 2016 by 3,34 pp to 21.82%, which is still less than the 2013 indicator, which was 23,76%. The analysis of actual indicators of functioning of the budget system of Ukraine during 2013–2016 allows us to state that, despite the expansion of the composition of local budget revenues, the level of budgetary decentralization in Ukraine during the study period decreased by 1,94 pp through the seizure of 25% of income from personal income tax to the state budget revenues, which is the main budget source of local budgets. The necessity of including the tax on incomes of natural persons into the composition of local taxes and fees is substantiated. To strengthen the financial autonomy of local self-government bodies, it is necessary to transfer the tax on incomes of individuals into local taxes and fees and to fully count the revenue part of the budgets of territorial communities, which will allow more effective control over the «shadowization» of wages and increase the interest of territorial communities in a timely and complete manner. receipt of this tax. Therefore, the issue of further reformation of the budgetary system of Ukraine in the direction of budgetary decentralization remains open.


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How to Cite

Soroka, R. (2023). ESTIMATION OF REALITY OF BUDGET DECENTRALIZATION IN UKRAINE. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 116–123. Retrieved from

