financial and economic security, investment strategy in the art industry, infrastructure of the art market, art investment quality, risk assessment, investment segment market analysis art industry, valuation art objects investment quality, analytics-applied software to assessing the level of financial and economic safetyAbstract
The analytical and applied analysis of the level of financial and economic security of investment strategies in the art industry market based on the application of a multi-criteria approach to assessing the level of financial and economic security of investment strategies in the art industry market, taking into account the riskiness of the external and internal environment, contributes to the provision of preventing and eliminating the effects of threats and destabilizing factors on the interests of all groups of stakeholders of the art industry market. The multicriterion approach to assessing the level of financial and economic security of investment strategies in the art industry market is based on the calculation of a comprehensive indicator of the level of financial and economic security through the implementation of multilevel integration, which allows to synthesize a set of unformalized parameters that deter-mine the level of investment climate in the country, investment attractiveness of the art market -industry, investment attractiveness of the art object, artist activi-ty and formalized parameters for valuing the object . The approbation of analyti-cal and applied assessment of the level of financial and economic security of investment strategies in the art industry market is carried out on the example of chosen art objects.
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