public procurement, electronic procurement system Rrozorro, tener, sub-procurementAbstract
The article explores the essence and peculiarities of the implementation of public procurement. The procedure for conducting and stages of public procurement is disclosed. There are three generalized stages of the public procurement process: identifying needs, deciding which goods, works or services to be purchased and when (procurement planning); the process of placing an advertisement on the purchase of the goods, works or services, the supplier’s qualifications (including auction for competitive procedures) and signing the contract; process of contract administration. It was established that public procurements can be carried out through the following types of procedures: open tenders; competitive dialogue; negotiated procurement procedure. Introduction of the electronic payment system ProZorro has a number of advantages: the ability of state-owned enterprises to carry out transparent efficient and economical purchases; reduction of corruption risks; implementation of the tender process monitoring process open and accessible; creation of conditions for attracting new participants in the process of public procurement. The analysis of public procurement in Ukraine during 2016-2017 has proven that cost savings are an important indicator of evaluating the effectiveness of public procurement. During 2016–2017, savings amounted to UAH 39.47 bln. It is established that the positive consequences of implementing the electronic system of public procurement are: availability of state tenders, increase of competition, the possibility of public control, expansion of information and analytical provision of procurement, reduction of negative influence of bureaucracy. The shortcomings of the existing system of public procurement have been identified. It is proposed to coordinate the actions of state control bodies in the direction of inspection work in the public procurement series.
Аналіз функціонування системи публічних закупівель 2017 р. URL:
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Редька Р. Не все так прозоро в системі ProZorro. URL:
Сфера публічних закупівель 2016 р. URL:
Про публічні закупівлі: Закон України від 25.12.2015 р. № 922-VIII. URL: