food complex, structure of the food complex, industry, production, subcomplex, food safetyAbstract
Theoretical and methodological foundations of the food industry in Ukraine are devoted in the article, the meaning of «food complex», «agrofood complex», «agroindustrial complex» and the definition of their relationships and interdependencies are opened. It is emphasized on the definition of complex food system approach, which should be read in several ways. First, as the organizational structure of the interacting elements such as producers, consumers, infrastructure and the state represented by national and regional authorities and others. Second, as regulated economic system. The proper interpretation of food complex that comes to complex socio-economic system of interconnected areas, sectors and industries that cater to the social needs of the population with food plants and animals in the desired range and good quality at efficient use of all types of inputs is given by the author. Characteristic features of the food sector are determined, which include: food complex relationship with agriculture closer than other - subsectors of agriculture, since the vast majority of food products made from agricultural raw materials; sustainability needs of the population in food can not be achieved - in the long and medium term from the contingency fund of food, because there are many types of food, perishable; the importance of sustainability in food production is higher than non-consumer goods.
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