shadow economy, credit-money system, economic crimeAbstract
Research methodology. By approach of the systems the different conceptual points of view are analysed in relation to concepts economic criminality, white-washing, model of subsections of financial secret service of the different states. Results. The models of financial secret services are analysed in different countries to choose the most expedient model for Ukraine; the most expedient model of financial secret service is offered for Ukraine for the sake of providing of economic security. Novelty. Creation of bureau of financial secret service consists in the following argued with practical advice of hybrid type in his structure. It would unite advantages both administrative and law-enforcement types. Practical meaningfulness. On the basis of the improved methodology of research practical recommendations which are a scientific base for forming of structure of subsections of financial secret service taking into account the specific of Ukraine are developed, world experience of forming of subsections of financial secret service is analysed. It will allow to provide implementation of Law «On prevention and counteract legalization (to washing) of profits, got a criminal way, financing of terrorism and financing of distribution of massive weapon». The instability of economic conditions in Ukraine in recent years are extremely threatening to its national security. It is particularly linked to the redistribution of the Ukrainian lands, political instability that generated both internal and external factors of influence. Catastrophic development of the criminal economy and the theft of state assets, the transfer of funds in the «shadow» with its subsequent use for the development of the criminal underground economy. Members of the European Union initiated a number of measures to combat money laundering and international organized crime. Standards adopted by the European Union is an integral part of the legal framework to combat money laundering in the European Union. Furthermore, since these norms and standards are developing taking into account their further introduction in countries with different legal systems, they are interesting for countries outside the European Union.
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