social values, civil society, social relations, social freedom, political responsibility, public administrationAbstract
The article identifies a significant impact of war and armed conflicts on the values that govern both society in general and state administration in particular. The presence of significant destabilizing factors in the development of the state and society in Ukraine under the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which provoke significant destructive changes and lead to the partial leveling of social values, as well as violations of human and citizen rights and freedoms, has been revealed. It has been established that the intense and destructive nature of the war can lead to a change in social values, as the population and state institutions face new challenges and dangers that shape the future priorities of the country's socio-economic development. In the course of the conducted scientific research, the role of values in society and in state administration during the war was considered, as well as their importance for the socio-economic development of the country in conditions of uncertainty and instability was clarified. Significant dependence and close interaction of state authorities and the public in the process of their functioning and implementation of activities was revealed. It was established that the most significant indicators of the influence of public values on the socio-economic development of Ukraine are the index of democracy and the index of perception of corruption, which, in the conditions of war, have increasing values, which testify both to the strengthening of the democratic foundations of the state's development and to the reduction of the level of corruption in the country. It was found that the decrease in the level of democracy and the strengthening of corruption risks, and, therefore, the increase in the level of corruption, is observed in periods of exacerbation of socio-political and socio-economic crises in the state. The need to strengthen the interaction between state authorities and the public at all levels, taking into account the principles of transparency, accountability and openness to the public, has been proven.
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