


economic security, law, integration, corruption, economy legalization


The article carries out a comparative analysis to establish the institutional and legal features of the processes of legalization of the economy and combating corruption in several countries of the world to highlight the main directions of improvement of this process in Ukraine. The expediency of modernizing the Ukrainian institutional and legal mechanism of legalization of the economy and combating corruption following European and world standards is substantiated, which is a prerequisite for the successful integration of the state and will contribute to ensuring its economic security. As a result of the conducted theoretical analysis of foreign experience, two dominant strategies for combating corruption and legalizing the economy in global practice were singled out. A comparative analysis of the institutional and legal mechanism of economic legalization and anti-corruption of several countries of the world that use different anti-corruption strategies was carried out. Strategic orientations, main tasks and specifics of the anti-corruption mechanism and legalization of the economy of such countries as Singapore, South Korea, China, Japan, Sweden and Denmark are considered. As a comparative analysis result, the main advantages of different systems were established and the key elements that can be introduced in Ukrainian practice were identified to improve the institutional and legal support for the economy legalization and the struggle against corruption. It is supposed to help ensure economic security and accelerate European integration processes. The institutional features of the national system of economic legalization and anti-corruption are identified, which was implemented using a theoretical analysis of the specifics of the activity, specific tasks and powers of the main anti-corruption and economic crime counter bodies, namely: the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. Based on the results of the conducted research, the main directions were developed and a list of recommendations was formed regarding the legalization of the economy and combating corruption in Ukraine in the context of strengthening integration processes.


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How to Cite

Melnyk, S., & Yaremchuk, R. (2022). INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGAL FEATURES OF ECONOMY LEGALIZATION AND ANTI-CORRUPTION IN UKRAINE AND THE WORLD. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (2), 16–23.