security, martial law, social security, economic security, financial security, information securityAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the implementation of security measures in the conditions of the introduction of martial law, the legal definition of which indicates the priority of actions aimed at securing the state and its citizens in the event of threats to their existence. Security is considered as a phenomenon of an objective order that exists in an uncivilized space, functions independently of a certain historically formed society, but at the same time is determined by the biosocial essence of a person, which manifests itself binary, that is, simultaneously at the level of an individual and a person. The discourse on the essential characteristics of the social security of the state makes it possible to state that its state depends on external circumstances that may arise in the conditions of the functioning of society, and which include the circumstances under which martial law is introduced. It has been proven that intra-personal factors determine both the maximum concentration of the individual's efforts and possible negative psychophysical states in the conditions of suffering from facts of an existential nature, accompanied by significant material and human losses. It is noted that a special place in the system of the organization of the activities of the state and society in the conditions of the introduction of martial law is given to the issue of establishing economic security, which is primarily determined by the need to protect the state and its citizens, as much as possible mobilization of material resources to ensure the normal functioning of the state mechanism for resistance to hostile actions. It has been proven that the activation of the information struggle in the conditions of the declaration of martial law creates a distorted vision of the real state of affairs by influencing the enemy's consciousness, causes the need to prohibit the dissemination of certain information of a socially dangerous nature, leads to amendments to regulatory and legal acts in the direction of regulating important issues of technical information fixation, determination of responsibility for the dissemination of information, regulation of procedural actions regarding the extraction of information data.
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