


safety, safe environment, inclusive space, risks, threats, calls, state of protected, critical point, dangerous accidents, counter weapons


Formation of the theory of security of the state and society during war is connected with a number of urgent security issues, in particular of a theoretical and methodological nature. One of the main and important problems related to ensuring the safety of the civilian population is the development of basic principles and the construction of a security base, the development of action algorithms and the determination of ways to protect society and socially vulnerable sections of the population in conditions of full-scale war. The purpose of the publication is to review and organize a holistic view of the creation of a safe environment and the functioning of persons with physical and mental disabilities in it, the development of new approaches and behavioral skills, the formation of sustainable competencies, as well as the presentation of one's own vision for ensuring the safety of low-mobility population groups. In the publication, for the first time, the issue of a complex and systematic approach to ensuring the safety of socially vulnerable population groups in crisis situations and conditions of war is considered. The main factors that increase the vulnerability of less mobile population groups in dangerous situations are highlighted. The gaps in the legal framework and the lack of specific measures for the safety of persons with various disabilities are highlighted health disorders in situations of risk and danger, lack of universal design and places for emergency accommodation of persons with special needs in order to eliminate specific risks and create a safe space, etc. The main risks, threats, challenges and economic protection for the most vulnerable part of the population of our state are analyzed. The main conceptual approaches to the creation of a safe environment and life activities of persons with special needs who remained in the war zone and in safe territory both in Ukraine and abroad are proposed. The authors proposed an algorithm for the strategy of interaction and communication between parents, teachers, public organizations, the state and people with special needs, creating emergency exit routes and conditions for safe evacuation and logistics in case of danger, receiving humanitarian aid, finding volunteer organizations and shelters for rescue.


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How to Cite

Tomanevych, L., & Savras, I. (2023). SAFETY OF PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN WARTIME CONDITIONS. Scientific Journal of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Economics, (1), 95–102.